
Our redesign of the Science curriculum includes criticisms of the current system and suggestions for improvements. Where we are able to do so, we will evidence these views on this page. This will largely be done towards the end of the curriculum redesign project, however, as we approach a point of publication. Please contact us directly if you require a reference for something we have said before that time.

Regarding 3. Is Science education addressing these aims?

In large part, this is documented in the "news" links on our Welcome page.

Regarding 6. Teaching methods

The Science of Learning
Neuroscientists have been studying how the brain learns new concepts for some time. Many leading thinkers in the field have recently started to claim that we now know enough to begin to use this knowledge to inform our teaching methods and the way we structure our curricula. This 'evidenced-based' approach to teaching may well appeal to Science teachers — especially as we are perhaps better placed to judge the evidence for ourselves rather than subscribing to the latest 'fad' pushed by yet another 'guru'.

Regarding Professionalisation

Evidence era to let schools call the shots?
The TES, 13 November 2009
Read online

Power requires knowledge, Estelle Morris
The Guardian, 27 October 2009
Read online

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