The 1st HowScience Conference


Saturday 24 October 2009, from 11:30am


Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE


Mike, Alom and Stu


  • Introductions
  • 5 mins each — personal hopes for this project of ours, desired goals
  • Discussion of 1) What is science?
  • Using the above, discussion of the 2) Aims of a science education


  • Discussion of 3) Is current Science education achieving these aims?
  • Discussion of 4) Broad principles of a new approach to Science education

Tea and cake

  • Embryonic discussion of 5) Curriculum content (if time)
  • Website — what we like, what we don't like, what next (Do we want to put in a Glossary?)
  • Strategy — realistic analysis of progress and next steps. How shall we respond to NSLC?


  • End



Eight hours were spent in rapid-fire and productive discussion, pausing only to swallow during lunch and dinner — and also briefly around 3pm so that Mike could top up his neurotransmitters by imagining playing tennis (worked a treat, apparently…)!

We produced final draft versions of sections 1 to 4 of the curriculum redesign project. Aspects of section 4 (such as the issue of course divergence, in particular its timing) will need to wait until later aspects of the project are completed. We began discussion of section 5 (content) and will continue this online.

We also discussed the merits of some kind of "chartered" status for teachers and will formalise this over the next few days.

We agreed that recent contact from the National Science Learning Centre was very much welcomed and that we would respond favourably without further delay.

We agreed that comments made by H.H. to Mike were encouraging and that we should invite further input.

We did not directly discuss the wiki site design/structure, but this has evolved naturally anyway, in response to other discussions we had.

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